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Hi there DrATV, Well, the CL70CARB arrived 2nd day as I requested. smaller in the throat than my OEM SL90 Keihin carb. I tested my carb awhile ago and immediately took it off from no power and began evaluating the stock SL carb. After a lot of jetting changes with my SL90 carb I’ve found some potential wear issues, but it just will not idle engine hot. Last night I re-jetted my new sl70 carb to SL90 stock 35 idle, 85 main and just test rode. Well, the carb works pretty darn well I’d say! Maybe down a little on power but just fine for every day use. Acceptable! Thought since you asked on your site for reports, it can work for us on the SL90’s and I am .5mm first over bore 90cc. Picture enclosed and maybe there will be a 110 cc kit in my near future. OK all for now Phil.