Re: Lifan in a 1963 C110
Posted by: "John E"
Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:12 am (PST)
I installed a Lifan 110cc 4speed manual with electric start in my 1963 CA110. It required grinding off a small corner of the frame on the right side where it comes in contact with the top rear of the engine case. Easy, 5 minute operation, barely noticeable. Otherwise a direct bolt-in. There is about a inch of clearance between the cylinder head and the front fender.
The 12v electrics were another issue. I never found an accurate wiring diagram for the CA110 that matched what I had, and the Lifan was one of the 4 wire CDI variety. Lots of trial and error before finally getting it all to work. If you are comfortable working with the electrics, by all means go for it. I have a stock CA110 and the Lifan CA110 runs circles around it.