It has taken me a few days in getting around to write this but I had an
absolutely fabulous time this weekend. It was a great bunch of people and I
am still digesting the knowledge I gained. My bikes will benefit from what
I learned from all of you.
To Lee: Many thanks to you and your wife for opening your home to a
motorcycle gang of minibike lovers. It takes a strong person to do that and
we all appreciate your hospitality. I took a first look last night at the
CD you handed out to see that it will take me a while to make complete use
of such a good resource. Thanks for compiling it for all of us. And
thanks for teaching us about carburetors because it is something we all need
to know. The golf tee technique now finally makes sense.
And please tell your wife thanks for all the patience she exhibited with
the video camera during the engine rebuild . . . my wife would have shot me
To Jay: Thanks for organizing the rides, taking the pictures and running
the helmet camera. I can now show my disbelieving family that I really did
go to a minibike convention in California!!
To Ross: Thanks for giving me the clutch rebuild lesson. The book simply
does not convey that which you made easy to learn. Several bikes now run
under their own power again after your assistance that afternoon.
To Mel: Thanks for letting me meddle in your engine rebuild. I'm sure my
dumb questions slowed you down and got you off track so many times that you
just wanted to scream. And thanks for the use of your CT 110 bike on the
rides. When I tried to sleep Sunday night, I had this repetitive imagery
running through my brain of bowling ball sized granite rocks in the middle
of the road, deep gullies, tree branches and steep hills. Similar big rocks
and steep hills have not been seen in Louisiana since the dinosaurs roamed
the Earth in the Pleistocene era. I simply could not go to sleep because it
was such a memorable ride.
To Jack / Dr ATV: I saved the best for last. Thank you very much for
your very generous contribution of engine parts and raffle items. The
engine will be well cared for here and used regularly. Our bikes will
prosper because of your donations and I hope your business grows because of
what you did. Clearly, I need to get out of the CT90 and ST90 areas of
your web site a little more and take a look at some of the things you gave
away to all of us. Please consider attending Tech Weekend with us next year
so that we can finally meet you and your wife.
I am already looking forward to next year and I predict it will be even
larger. Lee . . . I think you are going to need a bigger house!! Your
backyard is not big enough if I decide to bring my pet alligator.